You might not think that many runners would race on a rainy, windy, cold Sunday afternoon. But hundreds did at the first annual Nicole Gallo Sunshine & Bubbles 5K on March 30. The race benefited the Nicole Gallo Sunshine Scholarship, which helps girls continue their Catholic education. Registration was $25, which is the average for 5Ks now. Try & register by mail & you'll save the $3 fee that online sites like Run The Day charge. Arriving at Monsignor Bonner Archbishop Prendergast High School, I was impressed by the dedication shown by the friends and family of Gallo, a Prendie grad who was struck and killed by a distracted driver in 2009. The name of the race is just so sweet. With light rain falling on our heads, Kevin & I lined up next to Delaware County Memorial Hospital. At the sound of the gun, we took off across Lansdowne Ave., made a left on Argyle Ave. before t...
Amy A. Winnemore takes you on a first-person look through the open water, pools, pavement, trails, woods and deserts of open water and 5K running races.